Since Brexit happened, it is now a requirement for any goods vehicle carrying a load, to Ireland, to have a Pre Boarding Number, before being allowed to board a ferry.This also applies to furniture removal lorries, with the customers personal effects. 
And to get through the customs, once in Ireland, the furniture remover will have to already have submitted the customer’s Transfer of Residence application which will entitle the household goods to enter Ireland without having to pay import duties. 
There is a requirement to provide evidence of having lived outside the State, for at least 12 months, and also showing that the UK Tenancy is being or has been terminated, with some correspondence to show that there is an intention to live at an address in Ireland… which could be a tenancy or mortgage agreement, or if staying with family, an email from the family which states that there is an agreement for you to live at their Irish Address. 
Your furniture remover should be able to handle the customs clearance procedures on your behalf, for which there is normally an agents fee to pay, but, normally, there would be no liability for import duty or tax, if belongings are personal property. 
Even Cars can be imported into Ireland as part of Transfer of Residence, with proof of having used the car in the UK And documentation to support your application for relief of taxes. 
It’s important to keep tickets for ferry booking used to import car, in case proof of date, entering the state is required. 
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