Why has the national guild of removers and storers become a toxic brand?
Posted on 6th August 2016 at 18:41
If the so called National guild of removers and storers Mr Salt is asking this question, perhaps he should just look in the Mirror.
Imagine, after taking Fourteen furniture removers and associates to the High Court in London, to claim for substantial damages, caused by those defendants allegedly suggesting that the National Guild of Removers were Litigious and that they were only motivated and ‘in it for the money’ and after the Master of the Rolls, Master Yoxall declaring the national guild of removers and storers claim Manifestly Defective, ….. when the Daily Mirror accurately reported on this case, they were threatened with a Defamation Claim, and demanded a Public Apology, Compensation, and a published retraction.
Everything that was published in the Daily Mirror article was not only accurate and justified, but in fact it was all documented, including the fact that:
McCrorys Removals offered to pay the only possible maximum amount they ever owed to NGRS and that was long before any court action.
That McCrorys Removals had their claim raised by NGRS from £3800 to £14000 without any justification,
That McCrorys Removals were told, In Writing, that because they wrote a letter to the editor of the Mover Magazine, (which was never published) The So Called guild were so disappointed with McCrorys contacting the press, they would now no longer accept the figure of £14,000 and they would only now accept £20,000 …. Which seems to mean that this ‘disappointment’ was costing £6,000 and they went on to say in the same letter that if the £20.000 was not paid immediately,and if they had to pursue us for defamation too, then in their experience this type of claim would mean
that McCrorys Removals would have to expect to pay around £65.000.
After the threat of a defamation claim, to the Mirror Newspaper, the so called Nationals Guild Of Removers and Storers decided to make a complaint to IPSO, The Independent Press Standards Organisation, on the grounds that the article that was published was wrong, inaccurate, untrue etc.
IPSO duly issued a report which totally exonerated the Mirror article and found that all the content was entirely accurate and justified.
So, of course the Daily Mirror have now run another story about the National Guild of Removers and Storers tactics … what on earth did they hope to achieve? Surely they did not hope to silence an established, and respected journalist like Andrew Penman?
Once more the so called Guild have shown very poor judgment and have lost on all counts.
Most sensible people would have stopped digging when they realised that they were already in a great big hole, but the so called guild just keep on digging.
And in fact the claims keep being rolled out, against furniture removers, as the gravy train rolls on.
The only difference recently is that all of the victims are now fully aware of what is happening beyond their own claims, and are now in contact with each other, and sharing solicitors and barristers, in spite of the totally ineffectual attempts of the so called guild to force the removers to disclose their private affairs.
The outrageous scale of unmerited claims and substantial harm done to ordinary hard working people in the removal industry, by abuse of the Justice System has been so blatant that it can now only be described as grotesque.
And Speaking of Grotesque …..of course the Cameo appearance of Mr Salt features once again on the mirrors website, outside the County Court, just after McCrorys victory, which featured Mr Salt of the National Guild of Removers and Storers behaving like a criminal thug, using such foul language and jabbing at the cameraman in such a way, that would give anyone a bad name.
Mr Salt, whilst being recorded by two different witnesses, goes on to threaten a furniture remover that he was going to ‘have his f***ing family home’
and that the remover was just a piece of f***ing Sh*t’Guilds Mr Salt lashing out after losing in court against McCrorys Removals
Still wondering Mr Salt, why the National Guild of Removers and Storers has become a toxic brand and why McCrorys Removals take such trouble to disassociate their name from that brand… NGRS which now has a terrible image….. Well once more I would urge Mr Salt to just take a look in the Mirror
Please take a look at the Mirror Article.
Our next blog on the subject of the so called guild will be even more interesting, as we reveal Police Serious Fraud Squads from various forces seeking to question the so called Guilds, so called Independent Removals Inspector on allegations of forgery…The guild is standing by Mr Martin Rose and insists that there is not a shred of evidence of forged signatures against Martin Rose, and that they are continuing to cooperate with the Police, and warned McCrorys Removals in an email proporting to be penned by Jon Martin, but looking suspiciously like the weasly words of a cowardly lawyer, stating that to reveal any of this information could amount to defamation….. .watch this space.
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