How to get an Irish Passport was one of the most google searched question immediately following Brexit 
And that is understandable, especially for nearly half of the population voting in the UK Referendum that wanted to Remain in the EU. 
And for those of us that may have an entitlement to hold an Irish Passport, all is not lost, as holders of the Eire Passport will continue to be treated as EU Citizens, even when travelling to or from the UK after the UK Citizens may have restrictions imposed on their free movement. 
There are some obvious reasons why we may be entitled to Irish Citizenship, the first one being that we were born in Ireland to Irish Parents. 
But also includes North of Ireland. 
And, depending on date of birth, just having Irish parents or even Grandparents may entitle you to obtain Irish Citizenship. 
There are other ways that can allow you to get an Irish Passport, incl bring married to, or having a Civil Partnership with an Irish Citizen. 
Some of the more unusual reasons for being entitled to be treated as being Irish, include being born at Sea within Irish Territorial Waters, or even while on a flight whilst within Irish Air Space! 
Apparently there has been a tremendous demand for applications for Irish Passports from residents within the UK since the June Referendum Result was announced. 
Although the Irish Passport and Irish Citizenship does not come cheap, at 175 Euro to apply and 950 Euro for the Certificate, but, with such a sudden increased demand, it is obviously considered well worth it to remain a EU Citizen even while still continuing to live abroad. 
Holders of British Passports can still continue using either Irish Passport or British Passport for travel, as they would then have Dual Nationality. 
To obtain information about applying for an Irish Passport, if you live in London or other major UK City, you can contact your nearest Irish Embassy. 
Or visit the Dept Of Foreign Affairs and Trade website at: 
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