Its an unusual claim, but, because of the treatment McCrorys Removals Ltd have experienced, at the hands of the Self Styled Guild, we feel that it is important that we dissociate, in a very public way, from, this So Called Trade Association. 
And now that the article in the Oct. 21st 2013 Business Section of the Times has highlighted, the fact that there are at least 30 other removal companies being pursued for alleged infringements of use of the So Called Guild’s logo, we realize that we are not alone. 
This so called National Guild of removers and storers ltd dispute that so many companies are victims of their unfair terms and conditions, according to a quote in the Times Article, NGRS also say that taking members of the guild of removers and storers to court is always a last resort. 
Particularly disturbing was the report in the Times Article, that the Owner of the self styled Guild, Geoff Salt had a spent criminal conviction for false accounting dating back to 1997. 
We took advantage of a 99 day Free Trial Offer, but, because we forgot to cancel the membership till after the 99 days had elapsed, and despite having then promptly notified, the So Called Guild, we, very soon, started to receive threatening letters from their solicitors. 
We decided, very early on, that, if we did not wish to join this Outfit, willingly, then we certainly had no intention of becoming members through threats and coercion. 
So we got a claim for Two Years membership for £3000, and when we did not pay that, up front, we soon were informed that we had ‘infringed’ and therefor could no longer take advantage of this ‘discounted rate’, and would now have to pay the full membership rate of £11,000, as a ‘penalty’ 
When we then wrote to the independent trade magazine, The Mover, we were threatened with a claim for defamation, and, although the letter, which was purely factual, was never published, we were informed that because we had contacted the press, they would no longer accept the £11,000, and because of the, perceived, defamation, caused by this ‘unpublished’ letter, the claim would now be increased to £20,000. 
And, if that was not paid immediately, there would be a court action, and that would be likely to amount to £65,000. 
McCrorys Removals Ltd. are now contesting all of the above claims at a court hearing soon, dates and details of which we will keep updated on this site. 
And, even on our business cards, we have, for some time, had a disclaimer, with the wording: 
For The Avoidance of Any Doubt, We, McCrorys Removals Ltd. Hereby declare that we have no interest in being, in any way associated with the (self styled) National Guild of Removers and Storers Ltd, also known as The Guild (so called) and also sometimes as NGRS 
McCrorys Removals Ltd. do not claim to have any form of membership of the (self styled) Guild of Removers and Storers ltd. and strongly disassociate with that (self styled) ‘trade body’ 
McCrorys Removals Ltd do however aspire to continue improving our standards to our customers, and have already made arrangements to join a Bona Fide Trade Association, which, is founded on a Mutual basis, and, has the interests of the customers and the industry at its heart, and is not a ltd Company trading for profit. 
And the latest news is that anyone that the Guild feels has been mentioned or referred to in the Times Article, has been sent a Pre Action Court Notice for their intention to sue for Defamation, now what does that say about a So Called Trade Body that is supposed to be there to support its members. 
Also sometimes the Guild choose to be called a Trade association, but apparently, one that strongly disapproves of associating! 
this is a link to the Times Article on the National Guild of Removers and Storers Ltd 
Watch this space 
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